Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Boss Vs. Leaders

I often find that many people confuse leadership with positional power. We tend to believe that a person in a position of authority or someone with a title, has their position or title due to their leadership qualities. However, in many cases there is no correlation between someone’s position and their leadership quality. Just having a title does not make one a leader, leaderships is about influence. Title only buys time to exercise true leadership, and in this time leadership either increases or diminishes and eventually fails. There is a huge difference between being a boss and being a leader…! Consider the following…

  • A Boss creates fear. A leader creates confidence.
  • Bossism creates resentment. Leadership creates enthusiasm.
  • A Boss says "I". A leader says "We".
  • Boss says "Get here on time". Leaders get there ahead of time.
  • A Boss fixes blame. A leader fixes mistakes.
  • A Boss knows how. A leader shows how.
  • Bossism makes work drudgery. Leadership makes work interesting.
  • A Boss relies on authority. A Leader relies on cooperation & good will.
  • A Boss drives. A Leader coaches people.
  • Boss says "Go". Leader says "Let's Go".

People follow the boss because they have to and if they want to keep their jobs. People follow leaders because of who they are and were they are going. Too many leaders today rely on their position to lead. How about you?

- Mani.

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